Nokia Lumia 900's design is although a little bit similar with 800 but its outlook is designed with uniqueness. The phone runs on Microsoft's raw Windows Phone 7 OS. It is equipped with a 1.4GHz Snapdragon processor. It belongs to a 4.3" Clear-Black AMBLED display with 800x480 resolution. The display is brighter than the Nokia Lumia 800 . It is 4G LTE supported and that makes it more demanding.
The device has 16GB of internal storage capacity. It has built-in Windows Explorer 9, HTML 5, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR and WI-Fi facilities. Nokia Lumia 900 ensures capturing great photos with its 8 mega-pixels rare facing camera along with a 1 mega pixel front facing camera. The rare facing camera is made with large aperture F2.2, wide angle focal length which is about 28mm and it has optics support from Carl Zeiss.
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